1. How can we help you? Find the solution that suits you.
    I am an individual
    we are a company
  2. Select type of company
  3. Start-up
  4. Our services  
    We advice + provide services to, a range of business customers - including startups, small and medium sized companies and subsidiaries of multinationals.
    Registration/company formation package cost 500 € (ex. IVA). It includes meetings, paperwork and assisting the company to public offices for registration.
    You can expect an annual price for accountance (including advice, annual accounts and payroll services for up to 5 employees) from 1200 € pr year (ex. IVA)
    On the next page you can book an initial meeting with a tax advisor and accountant who will go through your situation and deal with questions and doubts.

    Together we set up a plan for the future cooperation. This meeting costs 50 € (which is subsequently deducted when a defined cooperation is agreed upon)
    Our clients range from from residents individuals who run business or have retired in Portugal - to non residents who have purchased property in Portugal and require tax advice and compliance services. We have profound experience with all aspects of the taxation as habitual or non-habitual resident.

    Being English speaking accountants enables us to help and guide our clients through the Portuguese laws and regulations.

    Book an initial meeting with us. On this meeting a tax advisor and accountant will go through your doubts and questions and set up a plan for the work needed in each area. The meeting costs 50 € (which is subsequently deducted when a defined cooperation is budgetted).
    Fill out the form below and we will contact you.
  5. Contact  

Onde estamos

A HK Tem dois escritórios, em Lisboa e no Algarve.


O nosso escritório do Algarve é especialista em clientes individuais, frequentemente sobre o estatuto de residente não habitual.

Sempre que necessário, especialistas do nosso escritório de Lisboa podem colaborar e ajudar nas especificidades de cada cliente.

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